
How shall i start a speech that i am giving about banning smoking from every single public place?

by Guest55882  |  earlier

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How shall i start a speech that i am giving about banning smoking from every single public place?




  1. Start with a humorous opening line to grab their attention, like:

    "I saw a sign at the swimming pool, which said:

    'No peeing allowed in the shallow end.'."

    Then go on to show the parallel with 'non-smoking' sections.

    Explain that you're not infringing on people's right to smoke.

    But they are disrespecting your choice not to smoke.

    Smokers are also imposing their choice on children;-{

    when they smoke at home, in their cars, or public places.

  2. Tell them they must toss out all their perfumes and colognes, since they are next on the list.

  3. "I hate smokers and I'm against personal choice!"

  4. I think it depends on the basis of your argument.  What's your theme?  Are you advocating smoke free public places for the health of the general public?  Based on some legal argument?  Because of littering (butts everywhere)?  For general asthetic reasons (smoking smells bad, etc.)?  Your opening will set the tone for your argument.  Once you have your strongest points nailed down, then you can come up with your opening.  

    I like the idea of peeing in the pool only being allowed in the shallow end.  Very clever.  That's a great analogy for many themes.

    I haven't seen the flick Thank You for Smoking (it's in my queue), but that might give you some ideas too.

    Good luck!  Let us know how it goes!!

  5. "Hi, I'd like to make every decision for you for the rest of your life because I know what is best and all of you are retarded?" Or " Hi my name is _____  and I am going to bother you all the time until I get my way." I don't understand why, when a minority of certain people feel one way about something, the majority of us have to comply with their wishes. I don't know why you feel like you need to push your values and way of life upon me. Nobody likes that.

  6. idk im a smoker so id rather u not

  7. Hi my name is _____ and I am an A___hole

  8. "Most people, if someone steps in front of their car" instinctively will hit the brakes, even if they have the right of way.  Why is it that some people will smoke on even knowing that their addiction has grave consequences for their lives and the lives of others, like the person stepping in front of their car.  I appeal to you who smoke....Step on the brake!"

  9. I'd light up a cigarette and blow it into the faces of all in the front row. Ask how it makes the non-smokers feel (plant someone to cough). Then mention that restaurant/tavern employees are subjected to this for up to 12 hours daily! Mention second hand smoke effects on children. Mention the fact that "smoking sections" are a joke! Good luck!

  10. Start with statistics. If you know the size of the group you are speaking to, you can relate the statistics to them. Such as "2 out of 3 will have a smoking related lung disease by age..." (just made that one up).

    Maybe through in some emotional stories about children getting sick from second hand somking. You need to connect to the audience and make them feel passionate about this.

    Good Luck!

  11. Don't forget to ask what will be taxed to replace cig taxes?

    CA is taxing cigs for free health care.  Texas has placed $1.00 per pack extra tax.

    Why in h**l doesn't the gov. ban cigs entirely?

    Will Mexico smuggle cigs to the US?

    Will the gov support tobacco farmers and all mfg employees?

    I don't care but I'd like to know this.

  12. Be sure you mention that many people will be out of work that work for the tobacco companies. Also mention that every state government will need to charge higher taxes to their citizens that don't smoke because there will be no more taxes from cigarettes.  And don't forget to realize that if you ban smoking for those that like to smoke, it will only be a matter of time before someone comes after something you enjoy.  Beer? Liquor? Twinkies? McDonalds Hamburgers? Take a guess.

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