
???????????How shallow is it ?????????

by  |  earlier

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Human behavior .For the most People that take public positions ,no matter what the status .Are not personable to the point of leaving the shallow posistion of "I realy don't care ,this is my job " And otherwise you would have been rejected from any /and all conversations.Judge Facts only ,otherwise shut up. Cops write a statement or leave me alone "I have work to do" Lawyers "pay me " and I will do as little as possible.Watresses ,Can I get you anything else "with food in you're mouth".Bank teller Next ,Title office ,You don't have the correct paperwork"Next".Psychiatrist "you're time is up".Car shop "it will cost more'.On the phone vertual jerk off,"then the real jerk off and a dial tone.Bill colectors A royal piece of work ,then, when they find you are the wrong person "Sorry",State offices "too bad /or have been there and have all the documents "then they are mad "having to actually preform the tasks.The lists are endless!!!

You're openion please! Shallow /or not????????????




  1. I have no personality at all. I don't smile at people, I don't engage in small talk, I don't flirt back with the other men that I work with. I deal with ugly, cold personalities all day everyday and it has made me ugly and cold. I do my job, I am fair and straight forward. Nothing more,nothing less. I don't want to gossip with you or any of that S**t. I also do not give eye contact or acknowledge people when they are there. I purposely ignore people. Why..because I hate people. I am probably really self absorbed, lack social skills and not all that intelligent to be able to hold a meaningful conversation with people. I have notice that men at my job began to treat me different because of my aloof nature. Nobody likes aloof people or people they perceive to be stuck up.

    But my problem is that I cant help it. I have been treated like c**p by the entire world and it has really affected me to the point that I don't want to get close to anyone, nor do I want to be nice for fear of rejection.

    Maybe that is why everyone you came across acts the way that they do. Maybe most of them are like me. I really don't know

    I have gone to the bank teller and I will see that same person treat the person before me nice as ice cream cake, but when I approach, attitudes change and faces become ugly. People are rude to me all the time and I dont know why. Or what it is that I do to people. And because I care so much, It has affected me and has driven me slightly crazy, much like yourself and so now I act like a total ***** to people

  2. I totally understand your frustration.  You have insight.  Many do not.  It is hard to accept the insincere, the plastic, the surface in society.

    It's everywhere.

    Most people hide their inner self when dealing with strangers.  They give a standard answer which usually deals with whatever the issue is.

    When they get home they wonder why they feel so split off from their self.

    This world is not ready for the honesty you propose, but it will be soon.  I am the same in whatever situation I'm in.  Most are not.  I take my lumps for it too, however.

    Try to look for the beauty in humanity.  It's there, honey.  If you say something friendly or funny and the other person responds, you are helping to change the world.  That's what I do wherever I go.

    Don't let it get you down.  But pay attention.  It's gonna change....with your help.

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