
How short would you trim your pubes?

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Just wondering. I was thinking of it but i really don't know how short to trim them. Dont say im stupid or anything... i never have b4 =P lol




  1. Depends on your preference, or your "significant others" preference...

  2. don't listen to the that says get rid of them

    its really uncomfortable

    just trim them to about a 1/4 inch

  3. 1/4 inch or all off,

    I personally like it all off, more comfortable i think. But shaving can be uncomfortable the first 2-3 times

  4. It's either shave them or leave them. No trimming, that's weird;...

  5. i trim them with scissors and i never prick myself, im picky though i make sure verything is perfectly even. if you dont want hair everywhere trim over a garbage can or toilet and flush it away

  6. you have toooo much time on your hands

  7. all of it..haha any trimming ast all or any hair is a turn off. i'm sorry boi but it's better to shave and get it over with.  OR just get removal gel, it's fast, easy and works great! =)

  8. 1/4 of an inch

  9. 3 on the trimmer

  10. i shave them with a razor sometimes i bleed from cutting but never a bug deal and when i shave my balls im real careful  not to cut myself there. That hasnt happened yet but i bet it would suck if it did

  11. could leave a stubble, that way it doesnt itch and best to use a clipper.

  12. so they dont look like a jungle and are just neat and tidy. not too short though, you dont wana look sparse. also, if you trim too short they will curl round and dig into your skin making you very itchy. they should be about an inch long.

  13. Don't trim, shave or use NAIR.

  14. Get rid of them all together!

  15. trim them 2 a length u feel comfortable with or try shave it all off idk but be careful because your skin may get irritated if u do so wit the trimming and shaving causing redness and bumps

  16. Well, that's an interesting question. My answer is not all the way or too short or you will spend weeks scratching yourself down there.

    Leave at least one centimeter in length.

    As it happens, I too do not like long Pubic hair and have been trimming mine for decades down to that one centimeter length, but I am male, I wouldn't even hazard a quess for what a female might do in this case. I didn't notice if your were male or female, but my advise is good for males anyway.

    Good  luck and don't use a razor of any kind, use scissors and be careful you don't want to damage the other part. LOL


  17. WAIT!

    I always found an electrical shaver worked fast and shaved close.  But razor burn was always a result.  

    Later in life I started to use a razor with shaving cream.  That worked well buy it takes a long time... no razor burn though, but 30 minutes you'll never get back.

    Then my gf at the time introduced me to depilatory creams.  Ahh... no!  That stuff is good if you know how to time it, but if you don't then it's one week of loose fitting boxers and a h**l of a lotta baby powder.  It got it area nice and clean but man I tell you, mess up once and you'll never try it again.

    Good luck buddy!  BTW, do it, women really respond to it.  

    Oh d**n!  I forgot, when you go totally bald there's a period of time when the hairs grow back that's soo uncomfortable!  Try and stay out of public places because all you'll want to do is scratch yourself.

  18. It's personal choice. You can do the whole shebang if you want (lots of guys do).

    Steer clear of doing that though if you don't have much going on down there, cuz it will only make it look worse.

    I'd say less is better than a lot though.

  19. Give your girl friend a Black & Decker hedge trimmer and tell her to trim as she sees appropriate. This will prove to her that you have unlimited trust and faith in her. She will love you for it.

  20. get it all gone!!! lol

  21. ‘Do what YOU like... No one else’s opinion matters at ALL but YOURS!

    Personally? I like to go almost smooth then reshave after they get to be about an inch to an inch and a half long.

    I don't really like the ALL GONE look because it itches so much when it starts to grow back... Itching is NOT s**y!!

    But if you don't groom at all, I feel it is disrespectful to your partner because being clean and not nasty is just polite!

    My frist long term partner didn't like to groom at all... And I had to almost bribe him just to keep it neat... That, again, was disrespectful because he knew that I didn't like it when he had a cat glued to his crotch! I didn't watnt him to do anything drastic or anything he didn't want to do but minimal grooming is just a good thing!!

    If I EVER go out with someone that refuses to do minimul grooming to keep things down below neat, then that shows me that his or her grooming over all is neglectful and I won't put up with that again!

    Be TIDY... That is all that matters...

    BASIC hygiene goes a LONG way!!!

  22. Get your mom to help.

  23. I shave mine off completely, but that's just me.  

  24. Don't shave it all off!  That can leave your skin very irritated, especially anyplace your underwear rubs.  Trim them to about a 1/4 of an inch if you go that route.  If you do decide to just shave it all off, you don't need to do it more than once a week.  After you shave though, use a body oil too keep the skin moisturized longer so you won't get ingrown hairs.

  25. 1/8 of inch or just shave

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