
How should 13 year old girls be wearing their make-up?

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How should 13 year old girls be wearing their make-up?




  1. They shouldn't.  

  2. my sis is 13 and she wears light colored eyeshadow like soft powdery light colors and sometimes eyeliner and a pink lip gloss.

  3. When I was 13, I only wore lip gloss, and most of the time I would just wear chapstick. You don't really need to wear any, if you don't want to. I find it completely acceptable if 13 years old wears:

    - mascara

    - lip gloss

    - light eye shadow (white, pink, light brown, etc.)

  4. They shouldn't.

  5. Well;; I just turned 14 so i can TOTALLY relate!

    Normally i wear a kinda natural eye-shadow with black or blue eye-liner.

    I also wear black mascara.

    Or some days ill wear a blue or purple eyeshadow.

    But don't wear TO much because you don't wanna hide your natural beauty do you?

  6. go to her school and watch the type of people that you want your girl to be with and that's how she should look . but also remind her always that all the makeup that she is wearing is leaving it's marks on her beautiful childish skin and spoiling it forever so the less the better or at least let's use good brands and wash at night .  

  7. just enough to cover up thier acne  

  8. as girls become woman they like to experiment with make up but some go over the top without realizing, i think subtle make up is good for girls this age,like a light shade of pink eyeshadow and nothing too bright.  

  9. When I was 13, I wore:


    foundation (where needed, i.e. pimples, bags)

    lip gloss

    (I started wearing eyeliner on the bottom at the end of 8th grade)

    Not too much because they will look like trashy whores. 13 is still young and their skin isn't as aged, they still have much natural beauty.

    I have 2 friends that are identical twins and one doesn't wear makeup and the other wears lots of makeup. In my opinion, the one who doesn't wear any is prettier.

  10. Well I'm 13 and I wear black or navy blue or gray eyeliner, clear lipgloss or lip balm, and concealer for zits when they come.

    The best concealer is Neutrogena Skinclearing Oil-Free Concealer because it's good for your skin and helps clear up the acne.

  11. When I was 13...

    I wore. Pinkish purple eye shaddow.




  12. a 13 yr old should wear

    make-up very lightly

    in my opinion

  13. I'm 13 now, and for now I just wear some cover up and chap stick, but I want to wear some Mascara.  My mom didn't let my sister wear that until 8th grade, and thats the grade I am in.

    If I were you, I'd ask her what she wants to wear.  If she says really extreme things, then say no.  

  14. Very lightly.  When stupid little girls cake make up on their face they think they're so hot when everyone's really laughing at them because they look completely ridiculous.

  15. im 13 years and i wear only eyeliner.

    i dont wear lipgloss caz i have long hair that will stick to it.

    i dont wear fondation caz it clogs my pores

    and i dont wear eyeshadow because i haave a sorta red complexion.

    awnswer mine plz?//?

  16. wear mascara and eye liner and light colors of eyeshadow.  

  17. When I was 13, I didn't wear make up all the time. Just some of the time, now it's more like a chore.

    When I was 13, I wore light make up, abit of light eyeshadow, mascara and blusher abits. Sometimes foundation. But when I reached 14, I changed a h**l of a lot. I wore dark heavy make up, still do now that I'm 16. Love it really, my kinda style.

    But for a 13 year old, light make up, and ask your parents if you are aloud to wear it, first.

  18.   Light makeup... Like clear lip gloss and pink or light pink shades of lip stick.  You can use light brown/peach eyeshadow and light pink or light red blush... use regular black mascara and just top of the eye eyeliner... hope this helps =D

  19. mostly neutral colors, browns and tans and stuff. maybe a little soft blush and some lip gloss.

  20. well, it depends on the person and their parents.

    when i was 13, i wore light eyeshadow and some lip gloss.

    i know this one girl who at 13 wore eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, lipstick, foundation, etc. and she looked fake and trashy.

    so, go with neutral colors and not too much.

  21. Well, I'm twelve. I'm not really "officially" allowed to wear make-up, but I do and my mom doesn't say anything.

    I usally just wear some brown or light eyeshadow,

    mascara and lip gloss.  Sometimes, when I'm with my friends, some eyeshadow, but not all the time.

  22. I am 13 myself and i wear black eyeliner , blush , lipgloss and some light eyeshadow

  23. 13 is the age where there are a lot of things she is wanting to try as she becomes a woman...

    I would say in moderation only.

    It would be a good time for mom and daughter to spend some time shopping together for makeup and mom explaining how to properly use it, showing the true use of it (to accent and cover), not the use of many who never learned (face painting styles).

    Unless there is an obvious reason not to, then start having fun!

  24. well im 14 and i wear:

    foundation (not all over my face just to cover up any zits/redspots/bags)

    pink, purple or brown eyeshadow

    black eyeliner (top and bottom)

    black mascara



    it kinda sounds like alot.. but thats how most girls i know wear it

  25. I'm 13 and i wear

    Urban Decay De-Slick Mattifying Powder

    funky colored eye shadow

    wild liquid eye liner colors


    really whatever but it really does depends on their style

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