
How should I act on the first day of school?

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I need advise because im starting Middle school & I dont know what im going to do im really nervous help me!




  1. Just treat the first day of school like every other normal school day. It's really nothing. You're nervous because you don't know what to expect, but don't worry. You will get the hang of everything in about a few days.

  2. i got made fun of a lot by the older kids when i went to middle school. they made fun of anybody who was new to the skool, just act lyk u know where u're going and what u're doing so nobody makes fun of u.

    u shud say hi to ppl and introduce urself so that u make lots of new friends =]

  3. Act yourself, if people don't like you, their loss.

  4. Just be yourself. Nothing is sadder than a poser.

  5. that wuz me last year

    her are some tips

    1. Dont try to be popular when u try to hard they'll just be mean to you, besides most of them are mean anyway

    2. just be yourself everything will fall into place if you do

    hope you have an awesome first year!!

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