
How should I act...?

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on my 1st day at school? I'm starting my sophomore year at a new school and have no friends there whatsoever! I know these people have their close-knit group of friends and such, but I wanna make at least 1 friend. Not neccessarily on the 1st day, but I need help on how to not be completely invisible while not being obnoxious. I'm up for anything so let all your ideas flow! Any help will be appreciated!




  1. I hate cliques and groups. They suck. Just drift in and out. That's the best way to go, and you won't be hated just because you're part of one group.

  2. 3rd: try to impress your school mates..(but not too much coz you might annoy them)..example, join in school contests, games and stuffs..make sure you excell in that field or else you'll only embarras yourself..and i know you don't want that

    2nd: if that one didn't work out,,try knowing their interests. that may start a conversation. make sure you won't do all the talking,,ok??..

    1st: as for experience, this one's the best!!!.. i suggest you organize a party!..invite all your classmates and that includes cute guys! hah!...this one works the best if your studying in a place where most of the students are certified party people,,like in US.

    you can choose whichever move you want but i suggest you do the party thingy!  and hey if it worked out inform me, ok? can contact me at's my email address

  3. The best way that i have made friends in new surroundings is to "lay low" and listen to what people are talking about. Find a common interest, and then just be yourself. The friends will find you.  
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