
How should I address people who talk loudly in the library?

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If I go up to them and ask them nicely to quiet down, one of two things will happen:

A.) Since they are rude people by nature (who talks in the library that isn't rude?) they will tell me to mind my business, say it's a free country, or tell me to shut up

B.) They will get quiet for about 3 minutes before they start talking loudly again

I'm wondering if I should just skip that nice asking step altogether, and just tel them to STFU!

What do you think?




  1. Let the librarian handle it.

  2. Wow, do I ever feel your pain. I love the library, but hate having the quiet interrupted by loud-talkers. It's a library, not a social club! However, please don't lower yourself to their level and be hostile; rise above them. Speak to them first yourself; it's a library, ask them to keep their voices down. If they become rude,  or  refuse to become/stay quiet, ask the librarian to deal with them. The libraries have policies in place to ensure people reading or studying have the atmosphere to do so.

    To the person who suggested you just go home, that's just giving in to these people who have no respect for where they are. People today have no respect for anything or anyone, or so it seems - but just giving in and giving up makes it easier for them to continue to be rude. A quiet person in the library should never have to leave because of a loud person, that isn't right or fair.

    Best Regards,


  3. Go to the librarian (though that probably won't do much if she's too scared to confront the people). I wouldn't confront them myself because nine times out of ten if you tell someone you don't know to be quiet then you'll probably end up with your butt kicked.

    Also, unless you go to the library to get away from home or something, why don't you just check out your books then go home? You'll have all the peace you want there, I'm assuming. People do not respect others the way they used to so they don't care if they disturb you or not. Look how good manners have gone out the window since the invention of cell phones. Etiquette seems nonexistent now.

  4. throw a book at them

  5. I would appreciate it if you DID ask me to get them to quiet down.  Did you know that policemen cannot have their peace disturbed so to arrest someone for disturbing the peace they need a public complaint?  As a city servant the idea has pretty much spread to include libraries.

    Many times, I am just watching, waiting to make eye contact with anybody who looks frustrated but they seem oblivious.

    I have been cussed at many times, but have had no real problems except people threatening to write the mayor - they never did - but I have been around for two fist fights and maybe five incidents when one to five people chasing some poor person around the library screaming.  Then, I have to call the police, write up a report, maybe go to court to be a witness,.. it's a lot worse.

  6. i think the people that work at the library are there for a reason and all you need to do is ask them to handle this situation.

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