
How should I admit I did something wrong?

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Ok, so my friends and I for a joke, hole-punched the side of our school jumper. I wasn't sure @ first but in the end I let one of my friends hole-punch my jumper. I feel really guilty now because when I put it in the washing machine, and my mum finds it, she will probably get mad at me because I have to give this jumper to my sister when she is my size.

I want to own up but I don't know what to say! Please Help?




  1. She might be angry, but not be as angry if you tell her before she finds out. Don't lie about it no matter what- that is not something you want to start! Also, do you get an allowance or can you do chores for some extra money? I would suggest telling her, and also offering to pay for the repair or replacement of the jumper either with actual money, or if you don't have any cash, by doing some work for her. Regardless of what happens be proud of yourself that you actually even feel guilty about it and want to tell the truth- a lot of kids these days don't even care, and it's nice to see someone who actually has some sort of respect for honesty. And for future reference if your gut tells you no, DON"T DO IT! A hole punch is minor, but in the future, going along with your friends on something you know is wrong could have life-altering consequences. Good luck with your mom. (If you're too scared to talk to her, you could always print your question out and show her!)

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