
How should I approach my husband?

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I am 29 and he is 54, and we have discussed having children, however our choice is reverse his vasectomy or do invitro. We made an appointment a little over a year ago for him to be checked out initially and I decided to stop it because I felt that I wans't ready yet.

Since then he has needed to retire and I am the one working.

How should I bring it up again? I want children but I don't know the best way to suggest it again? Should I wait a year until finances even out? I'm a teacher so stable income isn't the issue but we have a couple credit cards to pay off.

Any suggestions on what to say?




  1. even tho people dont think so, mens body clocks do tick.....they have higher risks for downs, and a few other things, if i were u i would just drop lil hints, and see what he says, maybe if he knows ur ready, it will be different!! but i wouldnt wait too long, whenever u think its the right time, something always what they say about the best made plans, ya know!!?? good luck

  2. I would just be honest with him and let him know you would like to move forward in trying to conceive but you have some concerns.

    Please do not wait for the perfect situation, perfect finances, perfect house etc. before starting your family.  If you wait for the absolutely perfect time to try to conceive, it will never happen.

  3. you should just say whats on your mind deary, if you got something to say ...say it, maybe he will understand, you were not ready last time he was obviously, ofcourse you need stable finances to bring a child into the world, but im sure you will survive hun, all the best n good luck. xx

    go and talk to your man, no time like the present : )

  4. You should bring it up during a time that he is in a good mood, maybe when you're cuddling or just spending time together. I wouldn't wait either until the right time, but if it makes you feel better I would wait 6 months and give yourself a head start on paying off some of those bills. You don't have a lot of time and he's not getting younger, so just go for it.  

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