
How should I approach this situation?

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hello all, I have had problems at my house with wasps, we've seen many unmade nests and finally found one nest and got it removed, well we found a HUGE wasps nest in the ground not even 2 feet into my neighbors property. I have never spoke to them and would like them to do something about this nest because I have a 18 month old son that have gotten stug 5 times in the past week due to these wasps, and I refuse to hide in my house in the last days of summer just because of wasps. How do I go about telling my neighbors that this is going on and that I want them to fix it at their own expense?




  1. Go over. Knock. Explain the situation as nicely as possible. Explain why you're concerned. If they actually care about being good neighbors, they'll take care of the problem. If they get rude, call your local health department and ask them what can be done, explaining the problem. If there's anything you can do legally, they'll know.  

  2. I would talk to them nicely about it. Don't insist or come across brash. Perhaps they are unaware of it. Just point it out to them in a nice way. Maybe they'll get rid of it, and yours too, if you're nice.

  3. I would probably start by checking your mindset at the door.  Reading your question, you seem to have an attitude that doesn't work towards compromise. It's not written in your words, per se, but it's slightly there in the tone.

    After you've calmed yourself down, I would first bring it to your neighbors attention. They might not even know that it is there. Once, you have told them, you might talk to them about options for how it can be removed or destroyed. (Hopefully, you will be able to provide them with a few options for solutions when you approach them.) Explain to them that you have a young 18 month old son who has gotten stung, and that ---hold my tongue for suggesting this--- offer to pay part of it, if need be. ( I wouldn't bring up who pays for it, but I'd assume they would because it's on their property. However...They might not find it AS URGENT as you do, therefore may choose to spend their resources differently.)

    I am not sure there is a law that forces people to kill nature. If there was a tree that reached into your yard, you could force them. Because this isn't something "in your yard", legally, I doubt you can force them to do anything. Therefore, I would definitely approach them, considering that:

    a. They don't know its there.

    b. Your main goal is that the wasp nest is destroyed, and that should be the priority, not who does most of the work or pays for most of it.

    c. If you haven't spoken to them about this situation, you probably haven't spoken to them on a friendly, neighborly term. Therefore, your 18 month old son is definitely more your concern than it is there's. So, let them know about his ordeal, but don't try to FORCE them to make him THEIR priority, you might force resistance from them.

    d. Again, they don't care if you feel like you "refuse" to hide in your house. They might feel that you "choose" to hide in your house.

    e. The goal is to get the nest removed, not prove a point. Maybe I am reading too much into what you wrote, but you can accomplish anything if you don't care who gets the credit. As well, you catch more flys with honey than with vinegar.

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