
How should I ask a barmaid out?

by Guest10755  |  earlier

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There is this barmaid at this pub i've recently started going to. I think she's gorgeous, friendly and easy to get on with. I would really like to take her out sometime but how do i know if shes just being polite cause i'm a customer or if she likes me? I am 20, she is 22, if i could work out if she liked me then what would be the best way to ask her out. i dont want too seem like i'm just some punter hitting on her




  1. Make sure you talk to her, but do not ask her out.  Leave your card for her with a note on the back to call if she is interested in going out sometime.  

    Having bartended, people ask you out all of the time.  It's annoying.  You will be a breath of fresh air to leave the ball in her court.

  2. Say, "I think you deserve to be waited on you so may I take you out to dinner?"

  3. Ask her to do something with you, like check out a club or go to a sporting event.  That way your not flat out asking her for a date.  It's easier than being rejected.  If she's interested she'll go.  If she says no, then you'll know what she's thinking.

  4. Leave a large tip and write your phone number on the napkin.

    Most likely she will NOT call, but she might.

  5. just keep talking with her..

  6. i have only one word of advice.  dont be drunk, tipsy, or even have alcohol on your breath.  she probobly deals with alcohol induced date requiems, so stay sober.

  7. I worked as a waitress for years and I can say the best approach is like with anyone else.. be yourself, be funny (if you are funny :), and be honest.  Then if she likes you, she likes you.. games won't get you very far. eventually she'll get to know the real you, and then what?!

  8. Well "...gimme a grog wench and a go at your knickers" is no good, I found that out the hard way.

    How about "I'm not sure if you're available but I'd like to take you out sometime?" This is direct but courteous.

    FYI here in the US being "..a punter" (football kicker) would be a plus, those guys make a fortune and hardly ever get hurt. Good luck.

  9. Don't ask her after you had a few pints but when you first get there. Ask is she ever dates the customers. She will get the hint you are interested.  

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