
How should I ask my mom to get me a bra?

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I'm going to the states in a few days and I am thinking about getting my first bra there before school starts. I really want to ask my mom about it, but I'm really nervous about asking her. I've even tried one of her older bras (when she was at work, hehe) and it fit me. I am almost 15 years old and for the past 4 years I've been wearing those camisoles with the build in bras (an now I have to wear TWO at a time so my nipples don't show through). So any suggestions how I should ask my mom about me getting a bra? And where are some good stores to get a bra that's good quality and affordable?




  1. Just come out and tell her. Say mom i need a bra. If you are coming to the states check out kohls. They have really cute bras and they are on sale a lot.  

  2. It's okay, just spit out those words and say... hey mom, we need to go shopping. I really need....

    She'll probably feel foolish for not having realized this in the first place and bringing it up first.

  3. I would just tell her you tried on her old one and it fit. It might freak her out for a moment, but surely she should understand. I would just tell her that you feel uncomfortable without one...especially if you feel nervous about going about it in another way. If you are looking for an affordable bra...Walmart or Target should be a good place to start.  

  4. i would just ask, you can always trust your mom and hopefully she would say yes.

  5. you're almost 15, & you haven't worn a bra yet???

    WOW -- that must be interesting...

  6. If you need a bra I doubt your mom will take issue with buying necessary clothing for you. Just be forthcoming and polite and I think you'll be just fine.

  7. Say "Mom, I really need to get a bra".  Not sure where you live so don't know about where you can get some good quality ones.

  8. u should just say that ur are at that age were u need a bra and dont be nervous shes ur mom she went through this 2

  9. 15 aye

    ur a big girl now. don't you do ur own shopping?

    aniwaiz just ask your mum the normal way. you know 'mum don't you think its about time a bought a bra'

    itll work trust me

  10. walk around in a blouse that exposes your nipples and your mom should get the hint that you need a bra.

  11. youve waited till 15? wow.

    it shouldnt be an embarrasing thing, just ask her, its a neccesity.

    and most bras that are really good are pretty exspensive, like at victorias secret you can easily blow $50 on a bra.

    but go to kohl's or target and you should be able to find a cheap one thats good.

  12. Just ask her. You should be comfortable about asking your mom these things. I have two sisters and they are SO open in the family. I know your family isn't the same as mine, but children should talk to their parents for help. Make your point clear to her and just argue it. If you really want to buy a bra, I think you should buy one at Target OR Victoria's Secret (A bit more expensive, but my sisters tend to shop there a lot with my Mother and get bras there). Welcome to the US. :)

  13. I'm not sure on how to bring this up w/your mom.. my mom did not show me any of that kind of stuff and I had to learn on my own. I found the easiest place to go is victoria secret... although some bra's are a little expensive they take the time to measure you and help you get the correct bra for you. As for your mom I would say you just have to be upfront and honest and ask her.

  14. your mom is ur friend   so   say her ur difficulty .... she will surely help u  .........don't feel shy  she can understand u

  15. You could tell your mom that when you run, your b***s shake and it hurts (which it does).  And that the double camisole is too hot and itchy.  You can get some at Wal Mart, which is about on every corner in the United States.

  16. same way a guy asks to go get razors,

    tell em;

    "i think it's about time i need a _____"

    they will probably laugh,

    then you go shopping,

    bra shopping for girls is bonding i guess XD

  17. First of all no you dont need to ask her, its a bra, all women/girls wear them (hopefully lol) and it shouldnt be a problem to her. second of all she's your mom you dont need to find ways of asking her just ask her how it comes out, you should be able to tell her anything and everything and ask her whatever too, it builds trust in parents and believe me that comes in handy! But some places i go to are places like jc penny, dots and etc

  18. Just tell her you are filling out more on top and the camisoles make you feel very uncomfortable.

    Tell her you think it's time you start wearing a real bra. If she wants to know why,then tell her about  having to wear 2 camisoles.  Any department store sells them and also you can find them in the malls. Good ones start out at 15.00 and up. Good luck.

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