
How should I ask out a girl I like?

by  |  earlier

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I am 8th grader and their is a girl i really like and i am way to nervous to ask her out what should i do?




  1. simply ask her - whats the harm in that? i'm sure that even if she was to decline, she would be quite flattered.

    tell her that you've wanted to ask her out for a while but you've finally gotten up the courage.

    don't be so shy - its cute, but if you were to not ask her out because of your shyness you'd probably regret it.

  2. ask her out!!!! if you really like her then just do it

    practice what ur going to say and do it. that is what i did in 8th grade

    good luck

    help me out too please!!!!;...

  3. ask her out you will feel much better and she will feel extra special

  4. First up, get to know her well. If you already do, very good. Know her interests and dislikes, stuff like that. It'll be easier to strike up a conversation about it then segue to asking her out. (Of course, she has to know you too.)

    For example, she likes horror flicks and there's a new release this month. Bring it up, maybe wow her a little with what you know about it (or what you've Googled) then ask her out.

    Or ask her about the things she wants to do but haven't done before. Then maybe you can pick the easiest one and do it with her.

    It's natural that you're nervous. She might decline, after all. But you'll never know unless you try. Girls like confident (not arrogant or boastful) guys. The first step into anything is always the hardest. After that, things will flow smoothly depending on you.

    Be a nice guy, overall. And sometimes actions speak louder than words.

    Good luck.

  5. go ahead, the worst thing she could do i say no.

    go for it, be strong and courageous!!

  6. Tell her you want to go out with her, that's it  

  7. dude it the 8th grade you got your whole whole life to get a girl so be a man and ask her out if she says no just keep roll there are more fish in the sea dude just do it.

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