
How should I attach the sheet of a small boat to either the tiller or the rudder?

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I have a 8' Payson's Ruben's Nymph and would like to make my job sailing a little easier. I wonder if I could attach the sheet to the rudder or the tiller to lessen the strain. Let me know. Thanks, Tim Brown




  1. the rudder is a very poor place to attach the sheet to.   The tiller isn't much better.   Is there no way to install a jam cleat somewhere?   Use your foot to hold it down; it will take a little of the strain off your arm.

  2. It woun't work to attach the sheet to the rudder or tiller. The only way to make things work is on a course by the wind. You need to balance the sails of your boat well to that course (that is why it should not be too close to the wind because there you need to correct too much). The rudder will usually have to be brought a little bit to lee (tiller to windward) in order to sail straight and keep the course to the wind. If you find the point where tho boat goes straight, fix the rudder and see what she does. You have got it when

    - with a bit less wind she will uprighten a bit and then follow the rudder better which means she will fall off. By falling off she will catch more wind and come back to the course

    - with a little bit more wind she will heel over a bit more. This brings the driving point in the sails further to lee and as at this point the forward driving vector attacks, she will get a turning moment into the wind. As there is nobody that will counteract with the rudder, she will turn further into the wind. There she will loose a part of the wind in her sail, she will uprighten and fall off again.

    Like this your boat will proceed on a wavy line - if there is not too much sea to stop it. However, steering it yourself is mostly more fun. Try it with your eyes closed, you will see it does not only work but gives you the little kick we all need sometimes...

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