
How should I begin my this short story?

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I'm trying to write a short story about a girl who falls in love with her best friend-the new guy. I want it to be amazing-I'm usually a deep writer, but right now i'm drawing a blank!

Can anyone help?




  1. She wished they could just be friends.

    In his mind, that was what they were. He never noticed the way her heart leapt when glimpsing him, or the way she turned a deep red when saying more than three words in his presence. She hated feeling like this about him - her best friend!!! - but in a different, separate way, she wished by that some miracle he would love her back, even though she never thought that might really happen.

    Something like that?

  2. This is how i started my story similar to yours. im only in 6th grade so it wont be GREAT. : You always hear how you fall in love with your best friend, this is what happened to _, only she added her own twist to it. Taking him from many obblivious girls, she finds out................

  3. She is 17.She is extremely angry at her parents. THey fight a lot and she can't take it anymore. She feels like her life is crumbling around her. One night she just decides to leave it behind and start over. She drives to the airport. When she is there she sees a young man arriving. She is for some reason drawn to him and finds herself following him. She is so lost in her curiosity of him that she doesn't notice when he stops. She bangs into him... Then the rest is how they become friends and then fall in love!  

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