
How should I break these sleep hours up?

by  |  earlier

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I worked 12am-8am in the morning. I'm not tired but I've been on my feet most of the night/morning. I'm not mental tired just body tired. I have to work again 12am-8am. My question is should I sleep from 10am to 2pm & then again 7pm-10pm or should I do stuff I have to do then sleep from 3pm to 10pm?




  1. u sleep in cycles of 4 hours so try to get 8 hours of sleep

  2. sleep 3-10 ... better for your body !!!!    I have worked 3rd shift for YEARS !!!! its better to wake up before work, dont break up the sleep cycle

  3. Go to bed when you get home. You will sleep for about 5 hours. Then take a nap before work tonight, shower and go in. You will be more effective during the day if you give you mind/body a rest when you get home.

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