
How should I change my look?

by Guest60808  |  earlier

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I'm a guy looking to change his style. I have a grungy, casual clothing style, mostly baggy clothes. I have long hair I put in a ponytail. I have some facial hair. I don't really wear any accesories. How can i change my look to appeal to more girls?




  1. You sir, should change your look however you would like. If you want shorter ahir cut it. if you dont want facial ahir, shave it off. If you want a differnt clothing style then go shopping!

    Girls will love your for you. =] and a girl worth your time will give you a look and a chance and see you for your insides... like your personality.

    If you feel uncomfortable with how you look ask a firend or someone for some tips. =] just go with what feels right. Thats what i do and i have a diff style everyday! LOL

  2. A pic would help!!

  3. I think having a haircut, more fitted clothes, and a shave would be nice.

  4. cut your hair, shave most girls i know hate facial hair, i do. casual is fine, from what it sounds like you sound kinda lazy, if you are dressing lazy then dont.....

  5. cut it..if you can make a ponytail its too doesnt have to be like a buzz cut  

  6. cut your hair into layers


  7. cut your hair.

    and i need a better picture of you.

  8. cut your hair like this

    its hott  

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