
How should I deal with a family member who is into INCEST?

by  |  earlier

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This is very serious. My first cousin has tried several times to have s*x with me, my sister, and a couple of my other female cousins. We tell him no but he still tries. Like one time for instance, he was giving me a ride home from work and he was telling me how s**y I am and how he heard my ex-bf tell him that I was great in bed and that he didn't believe it and wanted to find out for himself. I told him h**l NO!!! He just started laughing. So when I got ready to get out of his truck, he grabbed my butt. I slapped his hand and went inside my house.

Another time, he called me and asked me when could he eat me out.

I told my mom and she told me that the next time he tries something to kick his @ss.

But I really do feel uncomfortable around him at family functions. I can not stand to be around him.

How do I handle this freak?




  1. For your own safety, do limit your exposure to him especially one on one.  Tell other family members especially those with children who may innocently leave their children in his grasp.  

  2. Call the cops. He can be arrested. I he feels that comfortable talking like that to you and putting his hands on you, then just think of how he may act around other women that are not related. Not a good mix.

  3. STAY AWAY FROM HIM.  Ask your mother to talk to him.  I have a hard time believing that she just said to kick his a##.

    You could also contact the police as this is sexual harassment.

  4. tell the cops

  5. tell him you will let him do whatever to you but he has to get nekkid first. whip out a camera and snap a few quick pics. tell him you will show them to all his friends and post them online next time he tries something with you or your relatives.

    then give the pics to his mother.

  6. Tell him, rather unemotionally, you're not interested.  Could be he just like your reaction.

  7. Stay away from him !

    Never stay any where alone with him because he's going to keep trying to get you to do whatever he wants you to do.

    Report him to the athorities and tell your family !

    Because hes a weirdo.Don't talk to him ever again.

  8. Actually, it's not considered incest. In half the US states marrying your first cousin is not legal, but in the other half, and most countries in the world it is perfectly legal.

    If you don't appreciate his attentions then treat him as any other guy who sexually harasses you. Talk to his parents or your parents or report him to the law. What he's doing isn't incest though, so that's not an angle you can use against him (even if you find the idea of s*x with a cousin offensive).

  9. first of all.carry a small pockey knife and do not EVEr catch yourself alone with him. when you're in the same place as him, make sure you have somebody to protect you (bestfriend/family). you can't STOP him from trying, but you can avoid it! justalways be with somebody. and if he still touches you, call the cops, or beat the SH*T out of him!

  10. Why would you get in his truck then! i suggest you are never alone with him then he can do nothing and tell your dad!

  11. Are you legal? If not, is he legal? If these questions apply to you, then report him to the authorities. Otherwise, DO NOT keep quiet! Tell someone (preferably more than one person) in the family, perhaps his parents or someone. Tell your other family members that have been harrassed by him to do the same. If you are not comfortable with alerting the authorities (which is better to do sooner than later i my opinion), then tell your family. Also, if you know in advance that he will be at a family function, then do not attend if you can help it.

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