
How should I deal with my bfs bff?

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I can't stand my bf's best friend. He is a negative, chauvinistic, and racist.

I don't think he likes me all that much either, still. Even after 7 months.

When my bf and I first started hanging out before we even really started dating he used to talk a lot of **** about me. He brings up girls that my bf has been involved with in the past all the time. I know that my bf had a past but that doesn't mean I want to hear about girls that he has done things with all the time.

Every time I say something to my bf about his friend he just makes excuses. I think that his friend is jealous so is trying to make me jealous.

He is a user and a manipulator and I hate it when they hang out. My bf is a smart guy but he seems to become rather stupid when he hangs out with his friend, and seems to be easily influenced by this guy even though he is usually trying to manipulate the situation into something beneficial for himself and no one else. He is not a real friend.

I act like I like him for my bfs benefit but how long can I do that? How do I deal with this ignorant, manupalitve, chauvinistic, miserable little troll of a person?




  1. I would call him anonymous, give him a  fake name, and act like I was interested in going out with him.He might pull his head out of his butt for a minute.I think every smart guy has a dumb manipulative friend.  My husband has a womanizer as a best friend who it seemed was always trying to cause a rift between us.  My husband made lame excuses for his friend too. I would dog him out every opportunity I got. Finally just recently he started giving me my props, telling my husband that i was probably the last decent girl on the face of the earth.  Hang in there hon, when that best friend of your boyfriend sees that you aren't easily intimidated and you are there for the long haul, he will back off.  I always felt like my husbands friend wanted to date me and that is why he said things. It also helped that i am a natural smart *** and could easily say things back to him just as hard as he said to me.  Thank God for 6 older uncles that constantly picked on me growing up.    

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