
How should I deal with my <span title="premonition/precognition/ghost">premonition/precognition/...</span> talkiness lol lol/inner thoughts???

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You see ever since I was a little tyke(5 years of age)I have had these specific dreams about places that I have never seen or been to in my life and usually a year later I am there! I also recall people, nothing serious but just specific people and I am now at the age of 14 and I still experience these dreams. I can recall a few like when we were living in Chicago and I was about 5 or 6 and I had a dream about stone mountain, before we even moved to Georgia and it was not even the part that is well-known! It is the part you climb and where the restrooms are! I was at the age of 12 and I was like flabbergasted! lol and some other ones where they are just neighborhoods or streets and a year later BAM!! I'm there! I also used to feel ghosts around me and I am not making this up, once I was on the computer and I felt scared like it was something watching me and I said out loud "If there is a ghost in here, start breathing and I swear to you I heard little pants and I didn't even move. I was TOO froze, anyway I am stating all this to say I feel as if I am not in my body sometimes, and I have these dreams and SOMETIMES I have dreams about what people will do or say the next day, I can recall a lot of them in memory, but I don't know what to do because it seems like everyone I tell says the same thing saying it's just deja vu!




  1. From what I am reading you are speaking of various talents or gifts.

    The ghosts you may feel around you may be simply spirite interested in what you are doing, do not frighten them away; be respectful to them as if it were a living person next to you. I used to be visited often. I simply spoke allowed and requested to come back and talk when I feel ready to accept your precense. Not to be disrespectful to you but I am a bit uneasy about the situation.&quot; They went away and came back much later on when I was a bit more prepared to embrace them in my life.

    As for feeling out of your body, you need to explain. That can be understood in a few different ways.

    If you are dreaming of what is happening the next day it sounds as though you are extremely tuned in in what is happening around you and it is coming out in your dreams and then it manifests itself. Daja Vu. I had many dremas when I was young and I still do on occasion, and I am 40, where the dream is so vivid you can almost touch it or taste it and then later on, you find yourself there or in my case, sometimes it is a symbolism of something else.

    The first advice I would give you, don&#039;t see a shrink; they&#039;ll mess with your head. Many, many do not believe and will then have you not believeing and put you on meds you may not need to be on. Unless things are happening to you that are extremely unpleasant, no need to bring a shrink into the picture; however, perhaps you could seek out some genuine assistence in attuning your abilities now! (a real person, not a fake). Now, an out of body exprience is another different ability, it depends out you felt and what you were doing at that time in what to call it.

    My first recommendation to you would be research a genuine book regarding daja vu, anything from cynthia brown and a few others...they will help you determine what you are going through and teach you how to meditate to focas and either strengthen your gifts or suppress them (if that is what you choose.)

    I wish you luck and love.

    blessed be.

  2. Guess what ? same thing here and guess what again?




    and its nothing that you have to deal with as to get rid of it because it means you have advanced in developing abilities that will help you through your whole life !

    Hun ghosts come to people who are awaken , because they can see them as your energy moves faster than the ones who don&#039;t , it matches the energy of ghosts which are pure energy which now in the precense of no body can move faster as well ....

    they usually hang around because they are confused and cant find how to move on by themselves and look for you becuase you can liberate them

    next time you see any of them around you just said : you were loved in this earth but now its time to move on and meet the light&quot;

    I have to do this too with a particular ghost , its just not you , you are not alone

    when you feel overwhelmed by other peoples energy create a shield of protection around you so that they cannot get to you . just visualize a blue light all around your body and make it stronger with every breath you take !

  3. wait, so you have dreams about people do the next day???...iono..maybe ur psychic...even though i don&#039;t believe in that stuff...btw, wut you wrote wuz rele long and kinda didnt make sense at its rele hard to help &quot;I was TOO froze&quot;....wut??...but i guess you should see a therapist..and explain to him/her wut ur problem is clearly...

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