
How should I deal with this?

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There is this girl in my group of friends who I [and others] have always had a hard time connecting with. Recently she started hanging out with another one of my good friends constantly. And soon after that she started yelling at me and swearing at me. She does it to my other friends too! [and for no reason] The friend she started hanging out with seems to be supporting her, and even yelled at one of my friends too. [most of their aggression has been online] But it keeps getting worse. And nobody has done anything to either of them. I can tell she is dealing with a lot, but that still does not give her the right to do this, [and I have no idea why my other friend is involved]. I dont know what to do to keep this from getting worse! She will hate someone one second, and then pretend like nothing ever happened the next!




  1. well she could be bipolar or your other friends could be telling her things to set her off on you guys confront her about it when alone

  2. she may be bi-polar who knows but if ur other friend is involve too i dont think they both are

    but if she acting like this on her own behavior u shouldnt get involve

    but if u really care for your "other friend" just talk and ask why he/she is acting this way

    ask them why they hate the world, tell them that if they are hurt to not cause hurt to other people too to stop hurting other peoples feelings, and that u r telling them this cause u really care about ur friendship and if they dont stop tell them they wont have friends that will ever truely care for them like u  

  3. talk to her about it

  4. just don't hang out with her if she treats you like that

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