
How should I do my eye making judging by the way I look?

by Guest60290  |  earlier

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I've tried all kinds of eye looks,

but I've never found anything I've liked and stuck with.

I want to know what color eye shadow I should use,

what color eye liner, and where I should apply it,

and what color mascara, the works.

I would really appreciate some helpful answers to my

question, thanks.

Here's a pic of my face, without makeup,

please don't judge me on my unfortunate appearance.

Oh, and my eyes are blue,

don't know why my eyes look brown in he pic...




  1. I personally would use a black/brown liquid eyeliner on your eye.  Line the top of your eye and then make sort of a tail off the's hard to explain.  But if you continue the eyeliner past the eye a little bit, it'll make your eyes a little bigger.  

    Maybe some black/brown pencil eyeliner on the bottom - I like to do just the outside half on my lower eye b/c if you do the entire bottom part, that'll tend to make the eyes look smaller.  

    Black/brown mascara and do a double coat.

    I'd use a light eye shadow underneath your eyebrows and fill in the crease of your eye with a brown eye shadow.  I've seen people make a side ways V with eye shadow.  Start in the crease, right above the middle of your eye and follow the crease out past the side of your eye a little bit...then go back in.  

    It took me a week before I really got liquid eye liner down, but I love it!  I use Loreal for both eye liners.  The pencil one is a brown pencil with a gold lid.  I've found this one to work the best!  Some eye liners don't really show up.  Sometime though if you're having trouble with seeing the pencil eyeliner, you may have to wipe the tip off b/c of eye shaddow that's built up on it.

    Good luck!

  2. Because you have blue eyes, use a brown eyeliner and mascara. This makes your eyes pop more than black. To play around with your blue eyes, I would invest in a blue eyeliner to use around your eye. LIGHTLY like Briana Evigan

    For your brown eyeliner you should only do the outer corner of your upper and lower lid.

    No eyeshadow.

    The light blue eyeliner all across both lids. Very thin and lightly.

    And a brown mascara on your top lashes.

  3. you're so cute =) i say line your inner upper lid with black eye-liner...curl your lashes and 2 coats of black mascara,  brown eye shadow, at the outter corner of your lid and stroke that from out to in to the crease of your eyes, but not fill in the bottom half of the crease, if that makes sense...then use a pink pastel colored shadow over that "empty" part where i said not to brush brown

    the combo color of pink and brown will make your blue eyes pop...and look great with your skin and hair... =)

  4. woah i LOVE your hair girl!!! youd look stunning with some smokey eye makeup. this tutorial is for you!!

    basically, the smokey eye look will add the finishing touched to your already beautiful face.

    enjoy :)

  5. haha... my husband is sitting next to me and said you look like me. you kind of do, so to make things easier, i'll add pictures of myself.

    SOOOO coming right out of  cosmetology school:

    you have blue eyes... DARK blue eyes (like me!)... so your best bet is to lean toward a golden brown eyeshadow over your lower top lid (up to the start of your brow bone) and very lightly under your eyes, and take a darker shade of brown just lightly on your brow bone. then take a white/shimmery eyeshadow and finish off your brow bone with it up to the eyebrow (usually more of a night look... for more of a day look, ignore this whole sentence).

    like this:

    (seems a lot darker than it really is... only because the room was pretty dark)

    with eyes open, it looks like this:

    another eyeshadow option, if you're feeling wild, is to use a teal blue on your lower top lids, and under your eyes, and more of a seagreen to take over your brow bone.. with the white/shimmer up to your eyebrow...

    here's me again with this eyeshadow combo:

    and with your eyes open it looks like this:

    also, black mascara works wonders. if you want a more natural look (nearly unnoticeable) go for dark brown... but black is the best. try curling your eyelashes first with a eyelash curler, then going over them with a waterproof black mascara (i like covergirl lash blast-- in the orange fat tube-- because it's cheap and holds well)... do your eyeliner (black if you're using black mascara so it matches) on the outer rim of your eyelashes on the bottom... do one coat of mascara on the bottom lashes. rim the top lashes with liner, as well... lightly. you'll have to practice before you'll be able to get your lines even and just right.

    for lips, i like basic cherry chapstick. nude lipgloss is nice, too. and a touch of blush done just right on your cheeks would look AMAZING.

    you're very pretty... you should definitely flaunt it.

  6. Well, theres always the option of going for the Almay line for Blue eyes they have everything you need a 3 set eyeshadow, eyeliner that best suits blue eyes, and mascara.But at the same time I think if you stuck to shimmery eyeshadow,or blue eyeshadow you'd be fine well actually any color I have blue eyes and I usually just change up my eyeshadow according to my outfit and it never looks bad I always get compliments on how I do my makeup :D which is a plus.I would honestly stick to brown-black mascara considering Brown looks natural and Black looks good.For eyeliner a lot of people prefer brown eyeliner but I am not a fan maybe because I've always used black? so when I have something lighter I am like ehh, not me?.Though a lot of people pull off brown eyeliner perfectly but black looks good on top of the lash crease and below. I don't know if you live near a sephora you should go there and see what they say or just go to the local mall and ask the makeup people in the department stores if they can do your makeup chances are they can consult you in a good direction :D.

  7. Go here, I think it should help!

  8. Your absolutley gorgeous for one, wear a brown color, peoplecan alway pull that off, and you don't need much, I use covergirls trio that has all the coffee names, it's very common I think you could use it, for an eyliner stick to powder and a angled brush for the bottom lashes and clean it up with a little lotion underneath for the top I have annabel from wal mart in black, I really like how smoothly it goes on, (I also use a weird hard brush and that smudges it right into the eyelashes, it's from elf)  for mascara curl eyelashes before puttuing on mascara, I use Covergirls orange one, but I blot the wand on an old wash cloth before applying it so it's not so heavy looking.  These are tips I've been told and have figured out on my own, they work for me I hope they work for you.

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