
How should I do my hair for a date tonight?

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I'm going to definitely wear jeans... and I'm either thinking an orange tube top with a white short sleeve jacket or the same orange tube top with a white V neck.... My hair is thick and it is about to my shoulders. It probably rests on my shoulders. I don't want it to be in my face but I don't really want to completely pull it up either... Help?!?!?!? Kind of nervous... First date with this guy but not like my first date ever. I'm 20 if that matters




  1. i think the tube top will look really cute

    with the v-neck.

    and your hair...

    you have so much you can do with it.

    you can just leave it straight and bobby pin

    some pieces back, curl it loosely,

    half up and half down (straight or curled)

    a cute side curled ponytail, or tie it into a high

    ponytail and curl some pieces and let some random

    strands fall into your face...etc.

    that's all i can think of.

  2. Straighten it and go for a half up style, or your could scrunch it, or do the like victoria secret waves.

  3. i love when my girlfriend curls her hair like not all of it but just the bottom..i think it'd look good with what you described!

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