
How should I do my makeup in high school ?

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I used to wear ALOOOT of makeup, but now I only use mascara and curl my eyelashes and a little bit of foundation on my lips so they look paler - I like how it looks on my lips :)

& i'm going into the ninth grade !

I have an olive skin tone but i'm tanned now.

I have golden brown/hazel eyes.

Should I use somthing else ? what would look cute & nice ? :)




  1. dark eyeliner.

  2. Most kids in my high school don't wear make-up and those who do wear it subtle.

    So just do what ur doing- mascara, curl ur eyelashes, foundation (on skin and lips)

    and if you want to some days maybe wear some subtle eyeshadow- like gold on the insides of your eyes or some sparkles to catch the lights.  

  3. 1. Put a thin line of brown eyeliner on your lower lashes.

    2. Curl your upper lashes with an eyelash curler.

    3. Put on a coat of clear mascara on your upper and lower lashes.

    4. Put on some lip balm.

    5. Put on one coat of clear lip gloss.

    This looks cute and nice. (:

  4. use a dark brown &/or black eyeliner or eye shadow and smudge it with a.. something.. like a smokey eye look and use mascara and the curler like you already are.. i like the foundation idea.. it's creative.

    you can try lip smacker's lip balm too (:

  5. Personally, I think you should go with something like this.

    Edit: lol thanks

  6. You seem to have fairly good make-up routine set up as it is.

    But here are some tips any way.

    In high school try to keep your make-up natural so in the morning start


    1. Moisturizer with an SPF 15. Sun damage can cause premature ageing. Use all over your face.

    2. Mineral foundation - (all this depends on weather you have a clear completion and are confident with out it). Mineral foundation is simply made up of minerals and wont harm you skin and block pores. you can get light coverage and heavier coverage  in stores and can come in a range of colours.

    3. Brown mascara and eyeliner are more neutral but if you want a little more of a pop, black mascara and eyeliner will give for more a dramatic look. (don’t completely rim your eyes with eyeliner as it tends to make you eyes look smaller). Curling your eyelashes is fine.

    4. You can continue with the foundation lips routine with a clear lip gloss or balm over top for a longer effect.

    5. If your opting for a little bit of a change, gold eye shadow often gives hazels eyes a brighter affect.  

    Hope i helped, good luck.  X

  7. a small amout of gold eyeshaddow mixed with vasoline could give you a nice glow. just remember to keep it young and fresh.  

  8. use brown eyeliner(maybe even navy) and you should add some clear llip gloss. if youfeel that it would take away from the look of the foundation on your lips, try using a nude shade of gloss.

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