
How should I do my service hours.?

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I am in this club called Jr. Beta and I have to work for 10 services during the summer vacation by helping out in the community like working in a nursing home, babysitting,etc. and i dont know what kind of service that is easy and takes up a lot of time. (i don't to spend too much time on this during summer vacation) please give me suggestions




  1. Find a single mother and voluteer 10 hours as a mother's helper.

    Volunteer at a nursing home, visiting the elderly. Offer to read to someone who can no longer see, or just chat with someone who does not get a lot of visitors. This can really brighten someone's day!

    Think of something that you are good at, and that you enjoy, and then think of someone who might really appreciate it. Can you help someone with a disability by doing housework or helping clean up around the yard? Chances are good that you have someone right in your neighborhood who could really benefit from any help you choose to give.

    As long as your heart is in whatever you do, your kindness will be of benefit. Try not to think of this as a "have to," but as a "how can I make a difference?" Maybe your answer will come to you. Then instead of this being an imposition on your summer fun, it can be something that makes you feel proud of yourself and very, very good once you have accomplished your tasks. Ten hours spread over a couple of days will be gone before you know it, but what you help with will have a lasting benefit.

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