
How should I dress if I have to go do Jury duty?

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I'm a female and in my early twenties.




  1. Question, do you WANT to serve on a jury?  If you do not want to be picked then dress all in one color.  Either all white, all black, or all red.  You sould not be picked then.

    Otherwise dress comfortably, as you may be sitting around for MANY hours, and sometimes the chairs are not too comfy.

    Do not wear clothing that is too tight, too trendy, too glittery, too noisy.  If I had to do jury duty in my small town, it would be jeans, brand new or ultra clean tennis shoes, and a nice blouse, or sweater.  In a large city I might opt for slacks, instead of jeans, but the rest would stay the same.  Jurry duty is not a fashion show, so you shouldn't call attention to yourself, with your dress.

    You might also concider layers, like a sweater over a blouse.  That way if the heater is pumping, you can take off the sweater, and still remain comfortable, or if the A/C is blasting, you will not be freezing your rear off.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    Who's father was a Lawyer, CPA, & PhD

  2. Business casual. No revealing clothes, if you wear a skirt make sure it isn't any shorter that 2 inches above the knee. I would suggest a sleeved shirt and or jacket or sweater because it gets pretty cold in the court house.

  3. Be sure to wear something comfortable, because you may be sitting for a long time.   Also bring along a sweater or a warm jacket in case it is cool.

  4. It depends on if you want to be selected.

  5. Business like. And bring a sweater jacket in case its cold. Government and professional buildings are usually very cool.

  6. There is no requirement to "dress up". You just need to be reasonable. You would only get into trouble if you dressed in such a way as to be disrespectful, in which case you could be considered in "contempt of court". That would be something drastic like coming in in a bathing suit, or wearing a T-shirt with an obscene saying, or something along those lines. Otherwise, there is really no special requirement. I was on a jury a while back and most of my fellow jurors were wearing jeans and T-shirts. (Of course, this is in California, perhaps more "laid back" than some other states.)

  7. Business casual, especially if you really want to be considered for a juror.  Most courts have a dress code policy for perspective jurors, and it is usually stated on the notice that you receive.

  8. respectfully, of course... unless you don't want to be picked.

  9. Dress as you would to go to a church service......respectfully

  10. Dress like you are going to the bar.

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