
How should I expressOn the outside how I've been feelingOn the inside,so my boss Knows that I wasReally sick?

by  |  earlier

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my boss doesn't seem to believe me that I was truely sick for over a week w/two different illnesses.

I offered to give her doctors note[S]!

She wants to meet up w/me next week in town [I've a sales rep job]

WHAT'S YOUR opinion on this~ok--am planning to dress extra professional, but dab slightly some dark eye shadow UNDER my eyes, to express all the sickness I felt for when I was sick.

I just got over Lymes disease as well --since I didn't get a classic "bulls eye rash" that SOME ppl get when bitten--should I design my own bulls eye bite mark on my arm as well???

{I'm an excellent artist}

any advise or suggestions?




  1. Get a letter from your doctor stating the dates that you were under his care and that you were out of work because you were following his professional recommendation.

    Forget about the makeup under the eyes - you won't look sick, you'll just look like you're wearing makeup under your eyes.  And forget about the bulls-eye, too.  If you're on antibiotics for Lyme disease, and if your boss is smart enough to Google the disease, she's going to know the bulls-eye is supposed to be gone.

    You need to check your company's employee handbook or their policies/procedures book to find out what they require when an employee is ill.  Many employers require a doctor's note after you have missed a certain number of days in a row, or they may require a note if you miss a certain number of days within some sort of time period.  I worked at a company that required a doctor's note if you missed 3 days in a row.  But if you missed 4 days in a 2 week period, even if you didn't miss 3 days in a row you had to have a doctor's note.  

    Your boss may be wanting to talk to you just to make certain you know what the rules are about sick days and doctor's notes.  On the other hand, you might be right - she might not believe that you were really sick.  If you were  legitimately under a doctor's care, get the note and then don't argue with her.  You have the proof, and anything you say is only going to cause problems.  And if she has a good reason to believe you aren't truthful about being sick - like, a coworker ran into you out at the mall on a day when you were "too sick to work" - then she's well within her rights to confront you about abuse of the sick day policy.  

    Just get the note from your doctor, check the company's policies before your meeting, and then don't sweat it.

  2. what do you sell?  im guessing time-shares or beauty products.  grow-up.

  3. just let your boss have a look at your doctors notes,and or let her contact the doctors so that she knows that you were truly sick and not playing a hoax.

  4. All you have to do is produce a doctors certificate.

    Other than that you do not have to put on an act to prove you were really ill.

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