My husband recently started working out of state. This isn't the first time he has worked off and the reason he didn't like it is because he was only home on weekends. Out of the blue the company he used to work for called and two days later he left to go back to work in another state. I'm not able to move with him because I have a daughter who is a junior and doesn't want to move plus I have a career also and this is where we want our home to be. Plus his family lives close to us. I have been very hurt over this and I told him that I wasn't happy about the decision, but that I would get over it. I just need a few days to let it sink in. He could have made good money living here, but even more money moving away. I am very depressed and can't understand why he did this. Anytime I tried to talk to him about the job he just got defensive. Anyway, he is the type that thinks he can ask me things and think that I will fool around on him, but if I say things like that to him(just giving him a taste of him own medicine) he gets mad. And he will be the first to admit that it makes him mad. I know that if he didn't want me to do somthing, such as work away from home I wouldn't do it and he wouldn't want me to work away either. We will basically have 48 hours together every week. We actually lived like this when we first dated and we married. We did fine with this arrangement, but I've got used to him being at home. I trust him so that isn't an issue. He on the other hand fears that I will find someone else while he works off. I know that if I had those worries I would never move away and be away from my spouse all the time. Any comments?