
How should I fill my 60L Biorb?

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Ok so im thinking of buyin the 60l Biorb as I want a stylish tank for my room. Now I know its not the largest of tanks but money is limited and this seems to be the one for me. I would like some sugestions on what fish I should have an your opinions on them please also as I am a novice any tips will be apreciated.

Thanks Guys




  1. first thing you bought a tank but you don't have any idea on what fish do you like.  You know its useless to buy a fish somebody recommends because at the end you will get bored on the fish and throw it or give it away in the future.  You should think of the fish you love first before buying a tank.  After knowing what fish you love then how many you love to keep then buy a tank

  2. I'd recommend something that has a chance for long term interest. Put a pair of south american cichlids in there. They'll breed, they'll get big (which keeps them being seen),  and they get colorful, they are super hearty (hard to accidentally kill). They'll also eat small feeder fish, which can be quite a show. (and they're cheap and available at home depot) Check out the Severum, the Jack Dempsey, etc.  

    I've had hundreds of different fish in thousands of gallons of tank  but one of my fondest memories was an old tank with a pair of convict cichlids (my first ever breeding fish) who filled the entire tank full of babies till you couldn't see the back. I had to get another tank just to feed the babies to other fish!

    Good times!

    I had to find a metric converter. 60l is only 15 gallons. For some reason I thought it was more than that. I'd recommend convict cichlids. They don't get REAL big, you could probably house a pair of them in a 15 gallon (60l) comfortably. Fish will, in most cases, only grow as large as their environment. That being said, most fish would probably be happier with more space rather than less. You could definitely do a betta, and you could put something else in with it, maybe a small school (4 or 5) zebra danios or something like that.

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