
How should I find out my boyfriend's ring size without him knowing?

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I want to buy him a promise ring because he got me one and I want him to have one from me. Any tips?? He's the best guy ever and I want this to be a total surprise.




  1. Does he have a pair of tight-fitting gloves? You could also ask his mother. Or make his handprint in flour (tell him you're making hand shaped pancakes and you want big ones)

    God bless

  2. Hah! that one is easy. Tell him you read that ring size is a good way to judge the size of his "equipment" and ask his ring size.  If he knows his ring size, that'll get it for you easily. If not, you have to measure it. either way, when you get the size, tell him that it must be wrong, his equipment is way bigger than the article said it should be.

    If you have not seen him naked, tell him the article said he should be "very well endowed" and look dreamy for a second.

    either one will get you his ring size and stroke his ego. heck, he should now be in such a good mood that he'll be happy to take you out for ice cream and mini-golf, or whatever.  double bonus!

  3. Measure it while he's asleep, or get him to jokingly try yours on and guess the size from that. I guess if you get it wrong it's not a big deal because you can always go back and get it altered.  

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