
How should I gain weight and put on more muscle?

by  |  earlier

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I am really skinny, ever since a child, so skinny that my knees knock together sometimes when I run. Im in secondary school now (thats what we call it here), and as you probably know, being skinny doesnt exactly help with the macho-ness and athletic-ness. I am 14 now and I have decided to gain some weight and muscle,(I've been trying since i was like, 7) but I don't know what to do/eat. Im 14, but only 94 pounds! i really need help gaining some weight and muscle mass. Thank you to anyone who can help.

p.s. for weight training, should I use free weights? and if so, what are some excersises to effectivly gain muscle?

p.p.s. Thanks




  1. check out   for diet and exercise ideas.  Try to get more protein.  But at 14, don't go overboard since you are still developing and growing.

    As for free weights.  In general - free weights are better (than machines) since you are lifting in a natural motion.  However, if you are a beginner to lifting, the machines have the advantage since you can't drop a weight on your head.

    Another good place to look is

    good luck

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