
How should I get prepared for my first day of highschool?

by  |  earlier

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I will be a freshman starting tomorrow, and in order to prepare myself, I want to get a little more organized. I've always been a smart student, honor roll and all of that, but what are some things I could do to get ready and more organized?




  1. Get enough sleep, look your best, and don't feel anxious or intimidated. Most schools don't do much on the first day except take attendance and talk about what the course requirements will be. High school isn't that much different from junior high or middle school. It's just school.

    To make a good impression on the teachers, be on time, pay attention, look alert, be cheerful.

    Participate if the teacher seems to want that, but make sure you really have something to contribute. No need to think up things to say, just to show you know your stuff. That's annoying to the teacher as well as your classmates. You'll have many chances to shine thoughout the semester.

  2. get up early in the morning and make sure you have everything.

    make the most of secondary school. i left this year and i wish i was still there. ENJOY!

    if i think of anything else, i will add it here.

    good luck

  3. just make sure that your things are organized.

    like having a binder w/ DIVIDERS

    so you can put you papers in it

    make sure your pencils are sharpened

    or your lead pencils have LEAD in them.


    the most important things.

    extra pencil


    just be confident.

    and enjoy yourself.


    im sure u'll be finee!!

  4. umm just be chill about it do what you do and don't stress about it  

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