
How should I get ready for a scholarship/grant interview?

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I'm going to the 10th grade and I received a letter telling me to attend an interview with a parent. What questions would they ask and what would I wear?




  1. You should dress conservatively and neatly.  No jeans, t shirts or trendy things.  Easy on the jewelry and crazy hair.

    Be polite and friendly and professional.  They will ask you questions that are open ended (meaning not yes or no).  Think about your answers then answer thoughtfully and not rambly.  Get to the point.  If you are excited about something, be sure to show it.  Nix the slang talk, try not to overuse your hands when talking, look them in the eye.

    They will probably ask you about your high school experience.  You will want to tell them you enjoy HS, what college prep classes you take and particularly enjoy, any sports or activities you do.

    They might ask why you think you deserve the scholarship or grant.  Here is where it will help to know something of the group offering the scholarship.  You can tell them about financial hardship, what you plan to do to help fund college, how their org. ties into your plans for the future...  You need it, you try hard, you will work for the greater good...

    Let them take the lead.  meaning don't just start talking unabated.  It sounds funny to say that, but when nervous the talking you goes on autopilot sometimes!

    They may ask you about extracurriculars.  No talk of partying or shopping.  Talk work, volunteering and caring for the family (if true - all things only if true).

    Be sure in all things have a positive attitude and be genuine (be yourself).

    Have a loose list of questions you could ask just in case they ask you if you have any questions.  They should be scholarship related.  Maybe, for instance, asking if they know what has become of previous applicants.

    Thank them and provide good, strong handshakes on the way in and out of the interview.

    Write a thank you note to the committee (with personal names if you have them) after the interview.  Keep it short, include an element from the interview that might key them in on you.

    Good luck.  Very exciting.

  2. wear something that says "I deserve this scholarship" not something that says "I need this scholarship because I spent all my money on clothes!!!"

  3. They will only be asking basic questions at this point, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    I would wear something a bit preppy, and be very clean.

  4. Wear your Sunday's finest and just be confident and have an open mind...they will most likely ask you simple questions about what you like to do, what you think of school, what the teachers would most likely say about you, and how active you are in your school.

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