
How should I get ready for middle school (7th grade!)? PLEASE HELP!

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I'm really nervous about entering middle school. what should i do to get ready and what supplies should i buy?




  1. just like what "Angie" said. make sure you bring a notepad to write down all the supplies you'll need & any reminders or whatnot that you might forget.  

  2. middle school isn't that differnet from elementry

    except you just walk to your classes and its bigger which is good

    some middle schools had some clubs and yeah..

    do a city sport or something

    just be yourself, smile and be friendly&funny,be confident and you;ll make lots of friends don't worry=]

    hope you have an amazing year : ]

  3. Middle School isn't really different from sixth grade.  Don't be nervous, once you get there you'll realize it's really not a big upgrade, lol.

    You'll want to get loose-leaf binders so you don't run out of paper like you would with a regular notebook.  You'll probably have around 7-9 classes depending on your school so you'll want enough binders for that.  Maybe 3 classes a binder so you don't have to carry too much.

    Book covers seem to be  big thing with middleschool teachers so you could invest in cloth ones or just cover them with paper bags when the time comes.

    And then normal things like pens and pencils.

    Good luck with middle school, you'll enjoy it, don't worry.

  4. Relax just be yourself.




    *a bookbag


  5. Just the basices....a 3ring binder with like 7 dividers and label each one for the class you are taking and if there is an extra one that can be your homework section.. Paper, pens and pencils, maybe a calculator..usually on the first day of school your teachers will tell you what you will need so just pay attenetion when they tell you...You will be fine dont worry :)

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