
How should I give my time and financial resources after graduation to a local charity or church?

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How should I give my time and financial resources after graduation to a local charity or church?




  1. You should give your time and financial resources with love in your heart.

    7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

  2. depend on the locality..

  3. Find a local charity that needs volunteers.  The paper is usually full of them.

  4. go to a charity, or an orphanage. those people actually need help. most churches have more money than they let on and try to get volunteer help just to make themselves seem better in the community.

  5. Is this a trick question?

    Donate your money and volunteer your time.  

  6. Give your time to a charity or help disabled/older people do chores they can no longer do.If you go with a charity,find one that you can enjoy doing,there are so many different types.Animals,hospitals,retirement homes,building homes,big sister/brother program,etc...

    Find you a good church,one that teaches Gods Word,where you actually learn from it.The church does a lot of things to help others.Just make sure you devote yourself to whatever you choose.

  7. Charity.

    And they'll remember you better because they needed you more, so you'll be able to use your volunteer work as references.  

  8. Out of the over flows of your heart, but this should have been done from the start and not just after graduation.  This is the Christian answer and the best by far.

    However, for the non believer the answer is how much gain to out put is there?  What is the maximum I can receive on my tax return and will it profit me to do so.  Surely a negative out look but many give in such a manner.

    Why do you want to give?  Search your motives and then move on them.

  9. If you go to church and donate (making sure you know were the monkey is going) Technically you can do both!  

  10. You can sign up for ministry at a local church. Your only expected to serve about once every month or so..Try to serve in a area in which you have a talent for, so that you would not be overwhelmed by the ministry...  tithing would bless others and yourself as you will always reap the 100-fold fruits of what you sow.  Good luck !

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