
How should I go about loosing 5 pounds?

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I'm 15, 5'8, 140. Most of my weight is at the lower part of my body, I'm a size 32A but I'm in a size 10 jeans. Are there any drinks, that could help me drop a few pounds, or exercise that would help me slim up my waist a little. My friend told me about a energy drink that helped her loose crazy weight but I forgot what she said it was called. But wouldn't a energy drink add on to it? I know I'm young, but I just want to keep my body fit for the long run.




  1. Try this, its a gud way to lose 3-5kgs in 7 days. It’s a start, the rest is upto you after this.

    day 1 - only fruits (avoid bananas & milk)

    day 2 - only veggies (avoid any kinda oil or fat)

    day 3 - mix of fruit & veggies (avoid any kinda oil or fat or bananas & milk)

    day 4 - only bananas & milk nothing else

    day 5 - u feast on a cup of rice & six tomatoes & 12 glasses of water

    day 6 - only veggies & 1cup of rice

    day 7 - 1 cup rice, fruit juice and the vegetables you care to consume. Tomorrow morning you will be 3-5 Kgs lighter than 1 week ago.

    Things to remember & (strictly) follow during the seven day program:

    •No smoking or drinking during this period

    •Drink a lot of water during the diet period (minimum of 8 to 10 glasses per day)

    •Strictly no oily food or in-between junk food during the diet period

    •No tea or coffee during these 7days with milk or sugar, if required u can have a cup a day of black tea or coffee

    •No sweet food during the diet period

    •Any cooking done needs to have less salt, less oil but can have condiments to make the food taste better

    • Do not continue this diet after seven days. This can be done only once in 3months.

    •Trust in your diet, it will show you the difference

  2. The Energy Drink Might Be Redline its fat incenerator  

  3. Energy drinks may provide short term weight loss, but for the long run, there are many way more healthy things you can do. If most of your weight is lower in your body, try doing some crunches, with some jogging, or biking or whatever you like. The way this will work is:

    The cardio activites will burn extra fat and calories, while the crunches will provide a way of building some muscle. You can add more muscle exercises if you like too. If you just do crunches, you wont lose any fat, because the muscle will remain under a layer of fat. But if you just do cardio workouts, you will lose weight, but not gain any muscle, except maybe in your legs. And don't forget to eat healthy if you want to be really healthy. Eat things like salads, pasta, fruit, and all that not fun c**p. good luck

  4. 5 pounds is nothing, you can loose that in 2 weeks. just take up some form of exercise or sport that you will enjoy, so as not to get bored and give up. forget about energy drinks, they are for energy not weight loss and they usually contain high amounts of sugar to restore energy quickly to your muscles. drink water instead - plenty of it. just eat healthy, exercise daily and the fat will burn off

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