
How should I go about school tomorrow and getting prepared today?

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Tomorrow is my first day of school. Sounds dumb, but I am extremely nervous. I strongly dislike school, and I don't know what I am going to do.. What do you think I should do to make myself feel better and to make myself feel more prepared?




  1. im starting school too(seriously--a day from now) and i had that same problem...

    first of all be more things you never did before like being more social and meeting new people. open up and be is more fun to go through if you have people to talk to and hang out with.

    second, think about all the reasons you dislike school. if you really think about it. its not that bad. just know you have your friends and people that care about you. school isnt that scary if you're enjoying yourself.

    third, do something nice for yourself. get your hair done or go shopping and waste all ur cash on clothes you always wanted to buy. re-do yourself.

    (do this today or somewhere later in the week if you can)

    and dont think negative. thats the worst thing you could possibly do.

    have faith in yourself.

  2. I think if we are honest with ourselves you always feel a little nervous when you start school. I have been a student and a teacher and I feel nervous when I am either. But it is important to be confident and just like anything else you will get into a routine. Of course if helps to get rest before the first day of school.

  3. Def. have pens, pencils, at least 1 nb and paper.  Start the year off good! don't like do anything bad or anything to make the teachers get mad or giv u a bad rep for the rest of the year!! BTW


  4. school is a good thing be glad to go back some people cant even go to school,think  of all the new friends you will make,neat things you will learn,and pray about it to help you from being worried.

  5. wear you cute new shirt and strut your stuff down all the hallways then pose at the door of each classroom....oh and your a great backpack modeler!

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