
How should I go about this?

by Guest31880  |  earlier

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I've always wanted to become a scientist, CEO, movie director, real estate investor, book writer, and an actress. I've been having a hard time trying to choose of the following career, so I'm going to study and go to college for just about every one of them, but how do I go about this? what should I study first, and how can I mange all of my jobs? I don't really care if it's going to be hard or stressful, because I know that I will be happy in the end (:




  1. i saw dont think about much money youll make ....think about which makes you happier and just isnt a job ..that you actually enjoy doing

  2. Try to study science as soon as possible, and try to be an actress when your still young cause the younger and prettier u r the chances gets slimmer when u get older. No one really cares on how a book writer looks like so u can go after that one when you're older

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