
How should I go up to a girl in class that i don't know to talk what should i say ?

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How should I go up to a girl in class that i don't know to talk what should i say ?




  1. Ask her a question about something, like to do with homework, etc. It'll get you talking together and hopefully the conversation will go from there.

  2. just say go up and say hi. if she says hi back then just start asking questions about her and talking about something you like.

  3. Hi!!!! i'm joe

  4. Hi is good.... ask for help is good.

    Perhaps you should wait until she gets ice cream in the cafeteria and then tell her, " You shouldn't have that ice cream " She will get all defensive and say, "yeah? Why is that?" And you say, "Cause you could melt it all away"

    She will be like butter in your hands.  

  5. Ask for help, or to borrow a pen or something..start from there  

  6. If you sit by her in class, ask her how to do a problem...that way you guys will HAVE to start a convo up.  

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