My boyfriend of 8 months just recently told me that he was attracted to his friend (another girl). They were seeing each other for about less then 2 months before he left her for me.
I mean, I take that as he likes her but he claims there's a difference in between "attraction" and "liking". She's always asking him to hangout all the time. Anyways, he told me that he's been attracted to her for quite sometime and I got very upset. I mean am I not good enough for him or something? That's how I felt about it. But I wasn't extremely angry but I was very upset.
Should I be like on the edge of dumping him. Or just work through the issue. I don't know exactly how to handel it you know, I told him he isn't allowed to hang out with her anymore. But am I taking things too seriously?
(We're not 14 or anything, 17 and quite mature. I just need some good helpful opinions. Nothing rude please.)