
How should I handle someone that changes there mind all the time?

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I have a boyfriend they keeps acting like he is so in Love with me and then tells me that he wants to leave . (because Im loud) He always does little mean things that make me get loud. example I let him use my phone and I called him then he just hangs up on me. Saying he don't trust me. He left before leave before and then he writes me a letter that he is so sorry and that Im the only girl etc. So like a idiot I take him back. Now it hasn't been two weeks and he is talking about leaving .. What is the best why to put my foot down and let him know he either needs to Love me the right way or leave . no more games. Any Ideas?(with out breaking it off in his behind.) Cus Im tired of the rollercoster ride. Keep in mind that I Love him.




  1. It is really annoying when someone changes their mind constantly.  It leaves you feeling uncertain and confused.  I'm not sure how you should handle someone like that.  You could try naming the problem behaviour and talking it over with him or you could ignore the problem completely and hope that he will change (or not) with time.  Alternatively, you could get a friend to talk with him on your behalf but consider that it may be better if he hears from you direct about how you are feeling.  Perhaps you need to be more assertive with him or then again maybe what he needs is for you to be more understanding.  If all else fails you could dump him and get a new boyfriend who is more decisive but that would be difficult to do if you really love him.  

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