
How should I handle this problem with my cat?

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I got a cat a month or two ago, and she was already eating solid food. Using the litter box. She wasn't drinking any milk and was already weaned off of it. A few days ago, or possible a week ago, she began to nibble my arm, and kneed as if she was trying to feed off of me. I have no reason to explain this, or how to stop it. It really only happens at night, when I start to go to sleep.

She'll jump on me, and do this, only today did I realize what she was doing. I wear glasses and can't really see without them. Please does anyone have any suggestions to this problem?




  1. Buy one of theose carpet trees they are like 15 20 bucks.  so she can need on it.  They usually come with a mouse with cat nip in t so she can chew on that.  

  2. its not a problem, Shes just feeling the need to be close to you. Its nothing serious. Shes comforting herself by pretending to nurse. Lots of cats will do that with owners, blankets, stuff animals, ect.... If it doesnt hurt you just let her do it. it makes her feel more secure. I had one that used to drool terribly when she would do it to my arms. She never bit just pretended to suckle. She did it till her death at 12 so It wasnt a big deal.

  3. She's kneading and suckling on you. She loves you very much and has decided that you are her momma. The suckling will probably turn into love bites, little nibbles, and she will do this to you for life. She really loves you!

  4. This is totally normal behavior for some cats.   If it doesn't hurt or bother you, I would let her continue.  It's obvious that she sees you as her 'momma', and that is a good thing;  she loves you.

    Enjoy your new pet!

  5. Its not a problem, she is saying i love you

    kneading you is something cats used to do to their mothers to encourage milk flow when theyre weaning doing it to you is just her way of saying i love you and you make me feel safe

  6. She still misses her mommy. This is her way of getting the comfort she needs. She choose you to do this. She will stop in time.

  7. My cat is one. And she kneeds every night on the bed cover to get herself comfortable. The biting is just playing with you and the kneeding- well most cats do that before sleeping (:


  8. I think that she probably wants attention. I had a kitten that did this to me all the time. When I cuddled with him all of the little mischief stopped :-). If you are comfortable doing this, i suggest putting her right next to you when its time to sleep and covering her with your blanket. She'll love it!

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