
How should I handle this situation?

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My boyfriend's grandmother was recently put into a nursing home because she fell and broke her femur. She just went through surgery and I am assuming she is on narcotics for pain. She has been complaining about being constipated for the last two days.

I am a nursing student and know that narcotics cause constipation in most people and are almost always coupled with a laxative for that reason.

Well, the nursing home just barely put her on a stool softener. I am so upset that they didn't do that in the first place because now she is afraid to eat, because of the constipation.

I really want to go over there and demand to speak to the nurse or doctor in charge and cuss them out for not taking the best care of her possible.

What should I do?




  1. i can definitely understand why you would be so upset about that its not right.well ive learned that you almost always can get your way if your extra nice so i would try going down to the nursing home and explaining to them nicely how your a nursing student and you've learned that people who are constipated usually have laxative also and ask maybe why they didn't put her on that maybe theres a reason i would definitely try that approach first

  2. Yeah go show them how big and tough you are  by cussing them.They can say "why don't her family take her in and take care of her?"

    Most CNA's make a little over minimum wage and they do not always get the best character of people for that job, next the nursing homes FIRST priority is NOT the health and welfare of its residence but how much PROFIT it can make,as cheaply as possible.

    NEXT, doctors and nurses are human so they WILL make mistakes,as you do and will continue to do the longer you live.

    If you talk to them just ask them WHY they didn't do this in the first place, OR you might find yourself getting escorted out and a restraining order prohibint you from enetering the premises again missy.

  3. i would go. That is extremely sad that shes afraid to eat. Its the right thing to do to go talk to them.

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