I was bicyling along on my mamachari (mid-age woman's bicycle) when about 12 meters ahead, I began to notice a van beginning to reverse into a side road. We were both on the left side of the road. I could not swing out hearing cars coming on behind so I braked hard, bruising a left rib against a handlebar and crashing to the road scrapping raw an elbow and knee. I was going maybe 15km / hour . It was not a sports bike but an old wives' bicycle. I limped home 5 minutes. Hubby called the police who questioned the driver and neighbors for 4 hours. Eyewitnesses couldn't say they were paying any attention to what was happening. Cars reversing should consider cyclists but the van driver, a workman was in a hurry. I shouldn't breeze along but proceed with slow caution? Superficial injuries shouldn't involve the police?