
How should I have handled this situation at work?

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I was covering the reception desk at lunch. A lady came in with a request and I sent her to where I've been trained to tell people to go.

About 20 minutes later, a coworker of mine came out with the client and started yelling at me (in front of the client) and asking why I gave her the information I did. I explained to her what I've been told to do in that particular situation, and my coworker kept questioning me (agressively/sarcastically and whatnot).

After the client left, I went in the back and talked to my coworker. I told her NEVER to talk to me like that again in front of anyone, and that if she had a problem with me she should talk to me in private.

Did I do the right thing, or should I just have let it go? This same coworker gave me attitude just last week when I asked her something, and I let it go. I figured telling her off will make her stop treating me like that again... or should I just have kept my mouth shut?




  1. Yes you did the right thing.  You may have been incorrect in giving her that information but under NO circumstances are you to inform a customer/client of a mistake like that.  That was completely unprofessional in that circumstances.  A coworker needed to be privately informed of her attitude.  I would also verify with my super that the policy you followed is still in effect--just to verify that you did the right thing.  Plus if you were wrong, he can inform you of the new policy for next time you cover the desk.

    But a coworker can not be allowed to act like that and if she does it again or says something to you about how dare you give her the right--contact a super.  She should not be allowed to lose her temper in front of clients nor to use humiliation like that as a way to boost her own career.  You don't want to get into a grudge match with this coworker so don't be afraid to go over her head.

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