
How should I have reacted in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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The other day I was walking home and these two black girls game walking from the other direction. They were taking up the ENTIRE sidewalk. As I got closer to them I was being polite and walking as far to the right as I could so they would have room to go by. They didn't even make and effort to move over and one of them bumped into me. She didn't stop to apologize or anything and as she walked away I clearly heard her say "Stupid white boy brushed me!" So I turned around and said "Excuse me?!! Why don't you watch where the f**k your going then!" All she did was glare at me, suck her teeth and walk away. This made me SOO MAD! How was I supposed to react in a situation like this? Should I have just let it go?




  1. No what she said was a racist comment. If you had said stupid black girls, wouldn't that be racist? So what's the difference? Racism cannot be ignored no matter what side it is coming from. It is great to be a proud black person and it is great to be a proud white person. Why can't we all be great people and leave it at that? I would have probably done the same thing that you did. Oh yeah I'm really proud of you for not replying with a racist comment. Don't let it ruin you day though, that's just life.

  2. Theres two sides to this. You could have simply ignored and walked on, thus you appear calm,cool and collective. Or once she hit you you could have yelled move bitc*,get out of the way, adding fuel to the fire. You did the latter, and it's lucky you didn't get bitc# slapped. I've  bumped into alot of fiesty black and white chicks too. Ignore them, if they say anything like that to you, they are pathetic and still racist. Oh ya and you will meet people like this till the end of time. Get used to it.

  3. You definitely did the right thing by walking away. I am sure you were pissed, and they were in the wrong, for sure. it is best to let these things go. as you get older you will understand that there are a lot of ignorant people in this world that you will have to deal with day in and day out. Keep your cool, and be the bigger person. In the long run you will make out much better this way.

  4. This happens to me all the time....with the same "specs" as this situation. There's really nothing you could have done differently to make them BE any different, people like "that" don't change. Exactly what another commenter said, just don't let it ruin your day.

  5. you should just let it go theres nothing you can do about it now

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