
How should I know if my bank in Ca is at risk of bankruptcy? Also I have safe box, what happened if my bank?

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gets bankrupt? please give me all detailes!!!!!




  1. I assume you are talking about banks like PFF and Indymac well obviosly your money is insured but your safety deposit box is not if your are thinking of leaving your bank I would recommend joing a Credit Union they are thriving evn still right now if you happen to live in SoCal I would reccomend Wescom or Arrowhead Wescom has better fee rates


  3. If your bank goes bankrupt, the government automatically takes over and controls the whole as the costumer, and good tax payer, HAVE to get your money back. It would be illegal for either the bank or the government to take it (without your concent) You will recieve the money in either money order, check or cash (Most likely check) Of what your balance was. Then you just put that money into a new account at a different bank.

    Hop[e that helped...Frank

  4. There is nothing you can do about it.

  5. Te bank that you are probably talking about is not in jeopardy of failing, it was on the news last night, and your safe deposit box will be yours no matter what, you will have to probably go get it from them, but that will not be a problem. It will be all over the news though. You are fine, you are guaranteed up to 100000 dollars is insured by the FDIC and the government has guaranteed at least 50% of the remainder after that 100000 is accounted for. so if you have 150000 in the bank, then you are guaranteed up to 125000 thus far, but I don't believe that anyone will lose their money, hope this helps.

  6. FDIC has a website. There are about 90 banks on the list.

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