
How should I know if this guy will ever change his mind about dating me?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my guy friend have known each other for a year now, but we didn't start hanging out till february. We see each other a few days a week, and we usually hang out with a group of friends. He doesn't really text/call me that often, unless I initiate if first. He verbally flirts with me and teases me about stupid stuff. We always party together, and we have made out twice (while being drunk), and he's NEVER tried to have s*x with me either. We first made out at my bday party in march, and that night i told him that i liked him. He told me that he didn't want anything serious at the time. The second time we made out was only a few weeks ago, and afterwards my friend talked to him and he told her that he thought i was really hot but that he still doesn't want a gf. I feel like he does have feelings for me b/c sometimes he'll tell me to be careful or he'll sorta look out for me. At a get-together at the beginning of aug one night, I drank a little too much and got sick. My friend brought me into a guest bedroom of her house and then my guy friend came in the room and laid on the bed beside for about an hour until I fell asleep. I know he is shy b/c he has told me so. He doesn't ever really hang out with just me, and it always seems like he wants a third or fourth wheel around. I'm getting really frustrated b/c i just want to spend time with him alone. I've asked him twice to hang out with me, but both times it didnt work out cause of his car and work. So i'm just too shy to ask him to hang out again, cause I feel like he won't do it unless one of our friends is there. I kinda feel like i need to gain his trust and I know I should just be patient too. Will he ever change his mind, and how long could this take??




  1. Look, dont hesitate too much because it'll make things worse..

    I'm sorry for this being harsh but, maybe he just wants somebody to play around with. Just be careful he doesn't hurt your feelings. If he doesn't ask you or anything it means he is not interested in you, and either way if you just ignore him and he does like you, he will surely come after you. Just let the future decide, because if you keep on asking you'll sound a bit stalker. Btw I don't know who you are but you are a valuable person don't let anyone make you think differently, oh oh and my mother always told me that : "dont worry ahead of you there are people with cement houses and sea view" you'll get it ;)

  2. yes dont give him a reason to not like you

  3. you should be thankful, this guy is a true friend, he respects you, he looks out for you, and he is being honest with you, he does not want a serious relationship with you, he is not trying to trick you into bed. you will probably be friends for life, where as man woman relationships can be abstract and fragile. as a man i can tell you most of my best friends are women, i find them to be loyal and trust worthy i don't ruin them by having relationships with them. we talk and they give me the female perspective on my relationships with other women, they are very precious and valuable to me.

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