
How should I lay tile around an existing kitchen island?

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I can't start in the middle of the room because the Island is there. The Island is not centered.




  1. Move the island. My husband detached my island which we put on casters. He then tiled my kitchen floor. I usually have my island against the other cabinets in my kitchen but when needed I can move it to where ever. I can move it to the middle of the kitchen and use it as a server station when family members are over or if I just want it near the stove and sink. My floor was covered with a roll of vynal so the floor was even, even after the island was removed. However, if you take up your island and the floor is uneven somewhere like Lowe's can give you complete instructions on how to do the job and a list of all the products you need to do it with. I love my island being on casters, it has been one of the best things my husband did when remodeling our home.  Hope this helped.

  2. Find the center of the room on either side of the island.  Then measure an offset mark that will clear the island.  If your tile is 12" with the grout joint, then make a mark 12" or 24" off of the center point.  Snap this line through, and start laying your tile along the line.  Hope this helps.

  3. You find the center lines.  You will need to take very careful measurements to determine the centerlines, but just ignore the island.  Sometimes, because of the shape of the room, you cannot find a centerline which is center of everything.  In that case, you have to consider the symmetry of the tile in the doorway(s).  Many times you have to make compromises on this and settle for some sort of an average.  It is helpful to make a scale drawing of the room to see how the tiles fall in the doorways.  I make my drawings on the computer and it is invaluable in planning as I can move the entire block of tiles and see how it all lays out in the room as well as the doorways.

  4. Yes, detach the island, then re-attach it.  Do the same with the wastepaper basket, etc.  Tile under everything you can-refrigerator, stove, dishwasher.  Be careful with the height on the dishwasher.  Otherwise, you should be able to raise the other appliances 1/2" with no worries.

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