
How should I make (say) 1 ppm solution?

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To make a very small ppm solutions is always a problem, I seek a simple solution for this problem.




  1. As the lawyers like to say, "Asked and answered."  Very well too, I might add.

  2. Aw, shucks, tain't no problem at all.

    Put one pound of solute in a bucket, and then add a million pounds of solvent.

    Oops. Well, maybe that won't work.

    So do it in two steps. Make a 1000 PPM intermediate by adding one gram to a liter.

    Then make your final 3 PPM solution by starting with 3 ml of your intermediate and diluting it to 1 liter.

  3. Serial dilution.  Make a 1% solution (10,000ppm).

    Get a 1 mL pipette and a 100mL round bottom flask.  1mL of the 1% solution is 100ppm.  Repeat the dilution (1mL in 100mL) and you have 1ppm.

  4. You have gotten good answers.  When I was in the lab business we made stock solutions of a lot of elements.   Since we used a direct current emission spectrophotometer to measure several elements at a time, we made working standards from the stock solutions by combining them on a daily basis to keep them fresh.  Some mixtures and elements can absorb to glass containers making them weaker.

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